Last night's dinner made it all worth it. I LOVE curry. I could eat it every day, alternating with Mexican, though most of my favorite Mexican foods are off the menu for now.
Here's the recipe again for your reference: Easy Paleo Chicken Curry
Omit mushrooms
Use coconut oil instead of ghee (ghee is derived from butter, and some say it's okay for Candida, but I like that I'm cutting out dairy altogether).
Add 1-2 tsp of Curry powder (what is curry without, ya know, curry?)
We served over quinoa, due to rice being off the Candida plan.
Let's talk supplements!
These are the two I'm currently on:
Candida Support
The first one I got after input from my friend I mentioned before, whose family reacts well to Candida-cleansing diets. Oregano Oil is super great for fighting Candida, but it's also good for respiratory health, and clear skin. Here's an article with more info. What I may never get used to is Oregano burps! I mean, it could be worse, but it's super weird to be burping up spaghetti sauce taste driving into work in the morning.
I have always known that Probiotics are good for you. Mike was drinking that Sweet Acidophilus milk for awhile, and I know he had some benefit. Mom says she was always dealing with my having an upset stomach when I was a kid, due to taking antibiotics for various normal kid stuff.
For your TMI pleasure, I'm fairly certain my hand rash stuff started after taking two rounds of Cipro several years ago due to a UTI. Why it just now occurred to me that my hand rashes started up around this very same time, I don't know. But I'm wondering if the Cipro didn't kill off the good bacteria in my guts, allowing for overgrowth, and resulting in a skin reaction. Seems reasonable, right?
A great friend at work and I got talking this morning about being "addicted to Zyrtec", in that she also explodes in itchies if she doesn't take her daily Zyrtec dose, so I'm hoping this experiment is a successful one, and that we both can quit taking Zyrtec daily to combat itchiness. Fingers are crossed!
Day 3 menu: Here's the game-plan for today:
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with Spinach and Tomatoes. Skipped the garlic today as I wanted to give those that talk to me on a regular basis a break from my stank-breath.
Lunch: Leftover Chicken Curry. I'm immensely excited for it. Hubs also took his leftovers to work today, so I guess he found it satisfactory, even with the zucchini!
Dinner: Steak with Cauli "Rice" and Mustard Greens (There are 5 recipes on this page, so scroll down to find the steak one)
Make these changes:
Omit Pineapple Juice
I'm marinating as one whole piece, and will cut into strips before cooking.
Use coconut oil instead of peanut oil (or olive oil will work)
My grocery didn't have any mustard greens, so I got collards. I assume they will work, but honestly I'm a bit nervous. I'll keep you posted.
Snacks: Cukes at work, Pecans at home
And side note: I'm down another pound. There are seriously a pile of pants that I've put on and can't zip up. I give it a month (until our Valentine's Day trip to the woods) to get into them, or they get donated. I hate giving away clothes. Especially ones I really like but I'm just too chunky to get into.
And to clarify, I'm happy with myself. I'm mostly unhappy that many of the clothes I bought in the past year don't fit. I don't have the funds these days to replace them, so what depresses me most is that my closet is mostly filled with things I can't wear. That's depressing.
See y'all tomorrow!
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