Our potential winter weather never materialized yesterday. At all. It was just rain. That's the difference between living down south and up north: Here, just the TALK of snow can send everyone into a panic, dashing out for gas, bread, milk, eggs. Up there, they're all "It's gonna snow", and people are like, "well duh, it's January." The up north in me still longs for the white stuff every time they threaten us with it. More often than not, nothing happens. SIGH. We may be due for some tomorrow night, so in order to avoid long lines after work, I'm going to do my customary weekend grocery shop tonight after work. That means I've already picked dinners through Saturday night! And it's only Thursday!
I've been down in the dumps for the past 24 hours or so, and I can't quite shake it. I know it's not diet related, but I had my first full on panic attack last night, and that was the first in a while. I'm not panicky anymore, but I feel just kinda blue, and wish I could go home and sleep all day. But grown-up duties call, so here I am. Hopefully it'll turn around at some point
I went to Trader Joe's yesterday at lunch to pick up the Candida Safe broth I mentioned yesterday. It was $1.69 a carton for the organic free-range chicken broth. There IS a difference in the ingredients, and the non-organic one, which runs $1.49 is NOT safe for our purposes here. I think it would work for just Paleo or Whole 30, though. I also picked up a pack of raw pecans. They're truly my treat each day. I may have eaten half the pack last night before bed. There are worse things. The broth was very tasty and worked great in our Quinoa.
Short post today, as I'm getting a late start, but here's the game plan:
Day 11 Menus:
Breakfast: 2 Scrambled Eggs, 1/2 avocado
Lunch: Leftover Paleo Ginger Chicken, Quinoa with Asian Flavors, Cucumbers
Dinner: Paleo Chicken Enchiladas (halved) made with Paleo Tortillas
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