Monday, February 1, 2016

Day 22 - End in Sight!

I deserve a f'ing medal for resisting the 20 pizzas that were delivered to my work event last night. They smelled SO good. And there were brownies. I resisted ALL, and stopped by Kroger on the way home because I was starving. We needed coffee at home anyway, but I wandered the hippie section looking for anything I could eat. I didn't find a thing. It was probably for the best, as we had leftover pizza at home. It saved me money, and got rid of a leftover. So my biggest fail was that I ate it a 1 in the morning. No one should eat that late, but I was STARVING. I was even still hungry after I went to lay in the bed, but resisted going through the kitchen looking for more snacks.

My pinched nerve/spinal stenosis is back. It's not full force - I still have all feeling in my fingers, and I'm not having the arm pain I did last time, but I'm torn about what to do. The Doctor said last time I saw him, if it didn't go away, to just schedule another injection. I continued with Physical Therapy, and all the pain went away. That was the week after Thanksgiving, and now the neck pain is back. I've been doing the stretches I learned in PT, hoping it'll go away, but each day, it's gotten a little bit worse (since Friday). Hopefully it'll go away as quickly as it arrived. In the meantime, I'll think about whether I go back to PT, schedule an injection, or make an appointment with the Doc for an appointment.

Enough musings for today.

Despite working from home, I'm putting food in the crockpot for dinner tonight. I still have derby practice tonight, and it's always nice not to have to cook and then go to practice. I'm trying this Roast Chicken and Gravy recipe, with Cauliflower Mash. Well, now that I think of it, I will have to cook the cauli. Oh well. At least I'm working at home today.

Here's what's to eat:

Day 22 Menus:

Breakfast: Pizza Eggs

Lunch: Sliced Cucumber,

Dinner: Roast Chicken and GravyCauliflower Mash

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